
Peer-reviewed publications in reverse chronological order.


  1. arcgisbinding.png
    arcgisbinding: An R package for integrating R and ArcGIS
    Orhun Aydin, Dmitry Pavlushko, Shaun Walbridge, and 2 more authors
    Environmental Modelling & Software, 2024
  2. hu_et_al.png
    A five-year milestone: reflections on advances and limitations in GeoAI research
    Yingjie Hu, Michael Goodchild, A-Xing Zhu, and 7 more authors
    Annals of GIS, 2024


  1. skater_prob.png
    Probabilistic Regionalization via Evidence Accumulation with Random Spanning Trees as Weak Spatial Representations
    Orhun Aydin, Mark V Janikas, Renato Martins Assunção, and 1 more author
    Geographical Analysis, 2023
  2. mina_aydin_2023.png
    Environmental and demographic factors affecting childhood academic performance in Los Angeles county: A generalized linear elastic net regression model
    Bita Minaravesh, and Orhun Aydin
    Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2023


  1. seagrass_cons.png
    Conservation planning implications of modeling seagrass habitats with sparse absence data: a balanced random forest approach
    Orhun Aydin, Carlos Osorio-Murillo, Kevin A Butler, and 1 more author
    Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2022
  2. optics_opt.png
    Density-based cluster detection at multiple spatial scales via kullback-leibler divergence of reachability profiles
    Orhun Aydin, Carlos Osorio-Murillo, and Cheng-Chia Huang
    In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on AI for Geographic Knowledge Discovery, 2022


  1. eartquake_opt_2021.png
    Quantifying the Impact of a Tsunami on Data-Driven Earthquake Relief Zone Planning in Los Angeles County via Multivariate Spatial Optimization
    Yueqi Gu, Orhun Aydin, and Jacqueline Sosa
    Geosciences, 2021
  2. aydin_reg_comp.png
    A quantitative comparison of regionalization methods
    Orhun Aydin, Mark V Janikas, Renato Martins Assunção, and 1 more author
    International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2021


  1. covid_gis.png
    Sensitivity analysis for covid-19 epidemiological models within a geographic framework
    Zhongying Wang, and Orhun Aydin
    In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Modeling and Understanding the Spread of COVID-19, 2020


  1. ai_approaches.png
    Artificial Intelligence Approaches
    In The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge, 2019


  1. skater_con.png
    SKATER-CON: Unsupervised regionalization via stochastic tree partitioning within a consensus framework using random spanning trees
    Orhun Aydin, Mark V Janikas, Renato Assunçao, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL international workshop on AI for geographic knowledge discovery, 2018


  1. aydin_caers_2017.png
    Quantifying structural uncertainty on fault networks using a marked point process within a Bayesian framework
    Orhun Aydin, and Jef Karel Caers
    Tectonophysics, 2017


  1. flow_prox_2012.jpg
    Exploring structural uncertainty using a flow proxy in the depositional domain
    Orhun Aydin, and Jef Caers
    In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2014
  2. frac_res.png
    A workflow for building a synthetic benchmark dataset for fractured reservoirs
    Ankur Roy*, Yongduk Shin, Tapan Mukerji, and 2 more authors
    In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014, 2014


  1. image_transform_2013.png
    Image transforms for determining fit-for-purpose complexity of geostatistical models in flow modeling
    Orhun Aydin, and Jef Caers
    Computational Geosciences, 2013


  1. frac_res2.png
    A Benchmark Dataset for Fractured Reservoirs
    Ankur Roy, Yongduk Shin, Peipei Li, and 5 more authors