Advanced Programming for GIS and Remote Sensing
A follow on to the Introduction to Programming in GIS and Remote Sensing course, this course introduces advanced topics in R, Python, and Javascript languages as they pertain to spatial analysis. Course introduces advanced spatial libraries such as fiona, geopandas, arcpy, and Folium in Python, in addition to learning advanced geographic data visualization techniques that leverage Python, Javascript, and web APIs. This course prepares students to be full stack geospatial programmers with both front-end and back-end programming skills in GIS.
Selected Student Projects
Spring 2023
Aggregating MODIS Surface Temperature for US States by Bishal Roy
Juxtaposing Mauna Loa Lava Flows and Vegetation Types at North Cascades National Park by Rachel Mayhall
An Interactive 3D Map of Saint Louis, MO Building Footprings by Matthew Davis